I have been thinking about this question quite frequently lately as I seem to have no time, let me rephrase that, as I seem to make no time to blog. Let's weigh my thoughts, shall we?
First, I really love blogging.
Second, I love writing, especially about the things that matter to me.
Third, I love hearing from all my awesome family members & friends who leave comments for me.
Fourth, I love remembering the little things that I know I would've forgotten because I actually blogged them.
Fifth, I love keeping in touch with all of you. I feel like I still know you & if I were to see you it would be just like "old times".
Sixth, I love being able to share my frustrations & triumphs with people. I guess it makes me feel a little less CRAZY than I know I really am.
Seventh, I love laughing at things I have written in the past. It makes me smile.
Eighth, I love when Brayd comes home from work & says, "I read your post today."
Ninth, I love when Danyette calls or texts me to let me know she has posted so I can check it out.
Tenth, I love focusing my energy & thoughts on the stuff that is worth remembering in order to blog it. It makes those rough times disappear.
So what is to come of my blog? I guess ALOT more posts, hopefully!!!
Hey, saw your post and I was thinkin. . . you could print your blog in a blog book- I have printed two of them and then no matter what you can have your posts forever! (like a journal) (:
Here is the website if you want to consider!:
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